Proficiency Testing

Smart Food Lab which takes responsibility for all tasks in the development and operation of a proficiency testing
scheme-Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology

Smart Food Lab externally service provider to your food testing laboratory as per ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017 Clause 6.6.1 and as per 7.7.2 Food testing laboratory shall monitor its performance by comparison with results of other laboratories as participation in proficiency testing , proficiency testing qualifies men, machine and materials in oneGo and Improvement of Food Testing Laboratory (as per 8.6.1) opportunities for improvement

Smart Food Lab implement the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043 are considered to be competent to development and operation of proficiency testing schemes

Smart Food Lab provides High Quality Samples -Cost Effective-Comprehensive report with timelines (Note: As of now SMART FOOD LAB initiated development and operation of proficiency testing schemes and Accreditation yet to be received)